Let's dream for a while.... The Shorty Awards campaign. / Soñemos un poco ... campaña Shorty Awards

Reinicio este bog de la mejor manera que se me ocurre. Con la campaña de los Shorty Awards cuyas nominaciones son durante todo un mes, hasta el 18 de Febrero 2014.

Los Shorty Awards son unos premios donde la gente nomina a sus artistas favoritos, y  cuyo uno requisito es que el artista en cuestión tenga una cuenta de Twitter. Como podrás imaginar hay mucha competencia ahí fuera pero para mi no hay cosas imposibles, si realmente lo deseas, algo sucederá. Y yo sueño con que algún día Danny gane una estatuilla de estas.

Las normas para nominación son muy claras. Puedes nominar a quién quieras y en la categoría que desees pero has de ser creativo en la razón pues según ellos mismos dicen en su normas, cuanto más creativo seas mejor y claro, cuanto más nominaciones mejor.

¿Porqué Danny no puede ser uno de los 7 finalistas?.

Como he dicho antes, hay competencia pero estoy segura que algun día se conseguirá si todos esos +50.000 seguidores de nuestro querido Danny le nomina.

Te dejo pues, el enlace donde podéis nominar a Danny tantas veces como querais. Votad y difundir esta campaña.

¡NOMINA A DANNY PINO CLICK AQUÍ! recuerda el Twitter de Danny: @TheDanyPino


I re-start this blog in the best way I can think of. The Shorty Awards campaign: nominations are open until Frebruary 18th 2014. A long and faboulus month to nominate Pino.

The Shorty Awards nominate artists and proffesional of all kind focusing on th social media activity. The artist you should nominate needs a twitter account to be nominated and/or finalista/winner. As you would imagine there's a lot of competition with many artistst having massive fans but for me there's nothing imposible, only difficult to reach: if you want it, you'lle get it. Might take a little of time but you'll reach it. And I dream that Danny will win someday one of their awards.

Rules are clear at this pont. You can nominate any artist at any category but you need to be creative at your reasons (it is mandatory you should tell why) so the better reasons and the more, more chances Danny to be one of the finalists/winners

Why Danny can't be one of those finalists?

As I said before, there's lot fo artists out there being close to fans and with lots of fans but I know that someday he'll get it... If only all those +50.000 followers nominate him.

Here's the link to nominate him. Vote and share! - Spreak out the word.

NOMINATE DANNY PINO CLICK HERE! remember Danny's Twitter @TheDannyPino


Rules for winning at the Shorty Awards: 
Winner Selection

Unless otherwise noted, each Official Category will have 7 finalists. These include 4 with the most nominations from the public and 3 chosen by a new Shorty Awards Nominating Board made up of professional journalists from around the world.
The finalists from the Official Categories will be presented to the Real-Time Academy, which will choose the Shorty Award winners.
The number of nominations is an important factor but not the only one The Academy uses to select the winners See details about additional factors below.
Nominees should complete the Shorty Awards profile telling The Academy why they should win and provide contact information so the Shorty Awards officials can notify them if they’re finalists. Failure to do so before the nomination period ends could result in disqualification.
Separately, whoever receives the most nominations from the public in each Official Category will be honored on ShortyAwards.com as 
